When summer hits Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula things get dry as a desert and water levels drop. This presents some very unique fishing opportunities for rainbow bass, machaca, and the occasional tropical catfish. These trips are a 5 hour float trip and a healthy mix of adventure, sightseeing, and fly fishing....we especially like the fly fishing part!
This unique float trip is reachable from Playas del Coco, Flamingo, and Tamarindo.
This trip is seasonal and only available from December - Mid April.
Only full day options are available. Tour starts at 6am and end at 11-11:30. Transportation to and from the tour is not included.
A 5wt fly rod and floating line is ideal. Topwater flies like poppers, gurgles, and Chernobyl Ants work best but subsurface flies like clouser minnows and wooly buggers also get the job done.
The float is enjoyable as a sightseeing trip as well as a fly fishing trip.
Pricing is a flat based off of two-person occupancy and is a $650 per trip.